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The Association Rules.

1. The Association’s Name and Domicile. 

The Association’s name is 4 Stars and it is domiciled in Vantaa, Finland.


2. Purpose and Forms of Activity.

The purpose of the Association is to inspire and maintain the interest in breeding pure-breed cats. Also, to promote and support the feline hobby and breeding activity in Finland.


To achieve its purpose, the Association: 

  • Organize teaching, coaching, counselling and upbringing events related to feline hobbies for its members

  • Takes part in feline hobby activities by organizing exhibitions

  • Can publish their newsletter

  • Maintains Association’s website

  • Work with other feline enthusiasts and maintain connections with others in the same field

  • Share knowledge about feline breeds


To support its activities, the Association may (after obtaining the relevant permit, if necessary):

  • Accepts grants, donations and wills

  • Organize fundraisers and lotteries

  • Own immovable and movable property,

  • necessary for its operations

  • Practise alcohol serving in connection with the organized events of 4Stars


3. Members.

A person who accepts the purpose of the Association can be accepted as a Full Member of the Association. The Members are approved on application by the Board of the Association.


A person or a legal entity that wishes to support the purpose and activities of the Association can be accepted as a Supportive Member. The Members are approved on application by the Board of the Association.


On a proposal from the Board of the Association, a person who has significantly promoted and supported the activities of the Association may be invited to be an Honorary Chairman or Honorary Member at the Association’s meeting.


4. Member Rights.

At the meeting of the Association, each Full Member, Honorary Chairman and Honorary Member has one vote. Supportive Members has the right to attend and speak, but not the right to vote.


5. Member Obligations.

The Full Member is required to pay the enrollment fee and an annual membership fee. The Supportive Members is required to pay an annual Supportive Membership fee. The Honorary Chairman and the Honorary Member have no payment obligation.


6. Resignation of a Member.

A Member has the right to resign from the Association by notifying the Board or its Chairman by letter. A Member can also resign by notifying the resignation at the meeting of the Association to be entered in the minutes.


7. Dismissal of a Member.

The Board may dismiss a Member from the Association for the following reasons: 

  • Member has failed to pay the membership fee 

  • Member has failed to fulfil the obligations, which he/she undertook by the time when joining the Association 

  • Member has significantly damaged the financial, operational capabilities or reputation of the Association by operating inside or outside it.

  • Member no longer fulfils the conditions for membership set out in law or regulations


8. The Board.

The Board of the Association consists of a Chairman (i.e. President) and a minimum of two and a maximum of four members. The Board elects a Vice-Chairman from among its members and a treasurer, secretary and other necessary staff from among its members or externally.


The term of office of the Chairman (i.e. President) and members of the Board is two years.

9. Representatives of the Association. 

The name of the Association is written by the Chairman (i.e. President) and Vice-Chairman (i.e. Vice-President) together, or either together with the Secretary or Treasurer.


10. Accounting Period.

The financial year is May 1st–April 30th.


11. Performance Audit / Audit. 

The financial statements with the necessary documents and the annual report of the Board must be submitted to the Performance Auditor /Auditor no later than one month before the annual meeting, at which the financial statements are approved. The auditors must give their written opinion to the Board no later than two weeks before the meeting in question.


12. Association Meetings.

The Association holds one regular meeting a year in May-August.


The annual meeting of the Association deals with the following issues:

  • Opening the meeting and selecting the Chairman, Secretary, two Auditors of the minutes and, if necessary, two vote counters 

  • Indicating the meeting legality and quorum

  • Approving the rules of procedure of the meeting 

  • Presenting the financial statements, the annual report and the opinion of the Performance Auditor / Auditor 

  • Deciding about the approval of the financial statements and to grant discharge to the Board and other responsible persons 

  • Confirming an action plan and an estimate of revenue and expenditure 

  • Confirming the amount of the subscription and membership fee of the full members and the amount of the subscription and membership fee of the Supportive Members

  • Electing the Board according to §8. In addition, selecting a Performance Auditor and deputy Performance Auditor, or an Auditor and deputy Auditor to audit the accounts for the current financial year.

  • Discussing other issues, mentioned in the meeting invitation


If a Member of the Association wishes to have a matter discussed at the annual meeting, he/she must notify the Board by letter insufficient time for the matter to be included in the meeting.

13. Decision-Making.

The decision of the meeting will be unless otherwise provided in the rules, the opinion that was supported by more than half of the voters. When the votes are equal, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote. When the election votes are equal, a person will be chosen by drawing lots.


14. Additional Meeting.

An additional meeting is held when the meeting of Association so decides, or when the Board deems it necessary, or when at least one-tenth (1/10) voting members so request by the letter. The meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days of the request to hold it, to the Board.


15. Meeting Invitation Method.

The Board convenes participants of the meetings, at least 14 days before the meeting occurs, by letter or e-mail, to the address provided by the member.


16. Amending Rules.

The decision to amend the rules must be made at a meeting of the Association by a majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes. Amending the rules of the Association has to be mentioned in the meeting invitation.


17. Dissolution of the Association.

The decision to dissolve the Association must be made at a meeting of the Association, by a majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes.


Dissolution of the Association has to be mentioned in the meeting invitation.


In case of the dissolution of the Association, the funds of the Association shall be used as determined by the meeting, which decides about the dissolution of the Association.

© 2023 4Stars ry, Finland ⎮ 3079577-2

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